Financing climate action, empowering communities

At Nexus for Development, we recognize the urgent need to address the profound and uneven impact of climate change on marginalized communities within developing economies.

Our commitment revolves around combating this pressing issue through the funding of eco-friendly initiatives, including carbon offset projects. These projects aim to enhance access to clean water, energy, and efficient waste management solutions.

With a decade of specialized knowledge in carbon markets and impact investing, we forge strategic financial collaborations that not only contribute to environmental sustainability but also empower communities. Join us in supporting carbon offset initiatives that make a meaningful difference for both people and the planet.

Our Solutions

We collaborate closely with organizations dedicated to driving tangible impact. Whether you’re looking to buy carbon credits, sell carbon credits, or invest in our impact fund, we are your strategic ally for fostering real change.

Carbon Finance | Carbon Offset Solutions | Climate Funding

Carbon Finance

Discover the power of carbon offset solutions for businesses. Whether you’re seeking to purchase voluntary carbon credits or seeking guidance on navigating the carbon markets, our ex/carbon-financing/experts are here for you. Explore sustainable options and make a positive impact with our tailored carbon offset programs.

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Impact Investing | Buy Carbon Credits | Carbon Offset Programs

Impact Investing

Maximize the Impact of your investments with strategic climate funding management. Our experienced fund managers ensure effective allocation of your funds to initiatives that drive positive change. Explore the world of impactful investing with a strong emphasis on climate funding.

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Project Financing | Carbon Offset Projects | Carbon Offset Solutions

Project Financing

Explore financing options for your climate enterprise or carbon offset projects. Join forces with us to navigate specialized funding avenues, empowering the scalable success of your low-carbon initiatives. Let’s drive sustainability together. Begin your journey toward sustainable investments today.

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Our Partners

We collaborate with a worldwide network of carbon buyers, international funders, and project partners actively involved in delivering impactful low-carbon climate projects across Southeast Asia. Explore opportunities to buy carbon credits and contribute to cutting-edge carbon offset projects with us.

UN Women
Gold Standard
Vitol Foundation
Phitrust Asia
Lorinet Foundation

Transforming Lives Through Sustainable Impact

At Nexus, we are dedicated to creating a lasting and positive impact on the world. We finance projects that provide solutions and services that help people thrive amidst environmental challenges.

Since 2009, we have:

Unlocked $21.9m to help Finance 42 Projects across Asia

Impacted more than 9m People

Avoided 5m+ tonnes of Harmful CO2

Produced 198m kWh of Clean Energy

Produced 12.5m m3 of Clean Water

We provide access to Finance for Clean Energy and Water Solutions in Asia.