TerraClear | Water filters in Laos

TerraClear | Water filters in Laos


Regionally made ceramic water purifiers




World Bank Development
Marketplace Finalist 2006

Project type

Carbon project (GS VER)
Climate Funds beneficiary

In Laos, over 80% of households must boil their water to make it safe to drink. Despite many taking this boiling precaution, preventable illness from drinking contaminated water is still a leading cause of death for children under five. Boiling water requires the burning of wood and charcoal. Foraging for these fuels require labor and/or consumes valuable financial resources that could be used for other critical necessities. Additionally, the reliance on unsustainable harvesting practices also contributes to deforestation.

TerraClear is providing access to safe drinking water through the manufacture and distribution of more than 75,000+ ceramic filters reaching an estimated 415,000+ people in over 500 villages in Laos.


In addition, $9M+ USD has been saved in health co-benefits generated from the reduction of treatment and mortality cost due to diarrhea and respiratory illness.

0+ water filters
0+ Lao
total users
0m+ liters
clean water produced in 2019
0+ tonnes
CO2e emissions avoided in 2019

Global Goals impacted

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